Englisht Test

Find the best answer for each question

Saturday, 16 May 2009

Kisi Kisi Soal USM STAN

In 1989, the oil and automotive industries and the National Association of Manufacturers created the Global Climate Coalition (GCC) to oppose mandatory actions to address global warming. In 1997, when the Senate overwhelmingly passed a resolution against ratifying the Kyoto Protocol, the industry funded a $13 million industry advertising blitz in the run-up to the vote.
In 1998 the New York Times published an American Petroleum Institute (API) memo outlining a strategy aiming to make "recognition of uncertainty ... part of the 'conventional wisdom.'" The memo has been compared to a late 1960s memo by tobacco company Brown and Williamson, which observed: "Doubt is our product since it is the best means of competing with the ‘body of fact' that exists in the mind of the general public. It is also the means of establishing a controversy." Those involved in the memo included Jeffrey Salmon, then executive director of the George C. Marshall Institute, Steven Milloy, a prominent skeptic commentator, and the Competitive Enterprise Institute's Myron Ebell. In June 2005 a former API lawyer, Philip Cooney, resigned his White House post after accusations of politically-motivated tampering with scientific reports.
In 2002 the GCC considered its work in the US against regulation on global warming to have been so successful that it "deactivated" itself, although the loss of some leading members may also have been a factor.

1) What is the purpose of forming Global Climate Coalition?
a) It is supposed to contest mandatory actions to deal with Global Warming.
b) It is supposed to support mandatory actions to enhance global warming.
c) It is supposed to be supporter of Global Warming.
d) It is supposed to enhance Global Warming.
2) What does the word “Overwhelmingly” mean?
a) Extremely large
b) Controversial
c) Ideal
d) Convincingly
3) “It” in line 8 refers to…
a) Memo
b) American Petroleum Institute
c) Tobacco company Brown and Williamson
d) Doubt
4) Why did Phillip Coney resign his White House post in June 2005?
a) Because he was so disappointed with tobacco company Brown and Williamson
b) Because of allegation of politically-motivated damaging with scientific reports
c) Because he has involved several prominent people
d) Because he is bored with working as a lawyer
5) Which of the following statements is incorrect?
a) The senate significantly passed a resolution against ratifying the Kyoto Protocol in 1997.
b) Doubt seemingly has been means of establishing controversy by tobacco company Brown and Williamson.
c) The New York Times published an American Petroleum Institute in 1997.
d) In 2002, The GCC thought if its work in the US against regulation on Global Warming to have been so worth successful.

146. As long as I know, those kids are raised by their grandparents.
a. Forsaken
b. Left
c. Nurtured
d. Asserted
147. Yesterday, two men demanded Mia’s car with menace.
a. Happiness
b. Sadness
c. Graciousness
d. Threat
148. Bimo has reminded Nita to be careful, but she hardly heeds it.
a. Returns
b. Review
c. Recovers
d. Regards
149. Two major points were finally declared in the conference, but some of the participants deplored those unexpected decisions.
a. Liked
b. Distrusted
c. Regretted
d. Supported


Rizki Arwina said...

simana donk gk bisa e-registrasi.
uang uda ditransfer ke bank....ayo tolong kasi solusi donk..

Berbagi said...

pusing kie daftar gag isoh2

Unknown said...

duh mana susah lagi ujiannya. tapi harus tetap optimis demi orang tua. ya, MAJU TERUS!!!

whimbo said...

alhamdulillah dah bisa daftar,tapi ug g bisa log in yaw buat lengkapin form e-registrasinya????mang yang daftar brpa juta orang sich????

Ika said...

Ayo sabar kawan2, tgl ujiannya ni sekarang!

miny_love said...


Unknown said...

kyaaaa,,! ssah jgag yah test.a?!
uhhFf ! tpi tteb hrus d slesein klo mw msuk! haha,, sTudy hard!!

Unknown said...

oh my god. .
it's so difficult and must have a good linguistic !

oQ oKtaVia said...

smoga bisa ! amin

oQ oKtaVia said...

smoga bisa ! amin

Abdullah Al-b41hq.. said...

insya Alloh tahun depan aku juga masuk STAN..........Amien!!!!!!!!!

blogger said...

semoga tahun ni lulus stan.

Derendra Noor Fajri said...

gue mau masuk sini tp ga kaya gayus tambunan . korupsi doang di gedein

ria_sf said...

ya ampun soal stan kok susah ya,

cahaya said...

moga moga bisa masuk yah

my Blog . Endah said...

PELAKSANAAN USM TA 2011/2012 kpn ?